Long term condition support

Long term conditions include things like cardiac, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes.

We provide support to help you to manage the low mood and anxiety difficulties, so they have less of an impact on your health and make your condition easier to manage. We offer courses, groups and workshops to help you live better with your symptoms of a long term condition or LTC.

Having a long term condition (LTC) including COPD, diabetes and heart disease can be daunting and frustrating. You know how these can be a big challenge physically. But LTCs can also affect your mental health – without you realising.

LTCs can be very worrying and make you experience uncomfortable and confusing physical symptoms of anxiety.

Our courses can help you learn how to tell the difference between your symptoms.

You can get down or depressed because you can’t do as much as you would like, or are used to doing. It’s frustrating.

Our courses can help you manage your activity levels in a way that doesn’t make your LTC worse. You can get back to things you enjoy, lifting your mood.

Having a LTC can make you feel lonely and isolated. It can seem that nobody understands what life is like for you.

Our courses offer the chance to meet other people with the same LTC as you. You can share your experiences and solutions with people who really know what you’re talking about.

We have specially trained therapists who work with each specific physical health condition. They use cognitive-behavioural-based approaches to help you learn how to manage your psychological wellbeing, which in turn can improve your physical wellbeing.

We normally have 2 people running each group and between 8 and 12 participants

Group meetings last for 50 minutes. Sessions for workshops and courses can last for 1 hour 30 minutes.

They are held weekly and online, using Microsoft Teams.

Living with a long term physical health condition can be challenging and stressful.

Research shows people with long term health condition are 2 to 3 times more likely to experience low mood and anxiety which impacts on their quality of life.

This 8-week course is aimed at helping people living with long term health conditions better understand how their condition can impact on their lives, emotions, thoughts and behaviours.

The course will use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment therapy techniques to encourage you to develop skills to manage your life to the best of your ability through focusing on common difficulties such as disrupted sleep, communicating with others, unhelpful thoughts, emotions and behaviours.