We are aspiring to become one of the greenest trusts in London if not the UK
The climate emergency is a health emergency. Climate change threatens the foundations of good health, with direct and immediate consequences for our patients, the public and the NHS. As a Trust, we recognise the enormous challenge that the issues of climate change, air pollution, flooding, extreme heat and waste present to West London and the impact that these issues have on our patients, colleagues and communities. The environment is changing and the pace of change is accelerating.
This plan sets out our aims, objectives, principles and targets to achieve environmental improvements now, and for future generations while continuing to provide high-quality care and continuously improving the health and wellbeing of patients and staff.
Our 7 areas of action
Our green plan is based on seven areas of action. Each area has a nominated lead who is responsible for setting, reviewing, and updating, as required, the agreed objectives. A summary of our approach is detailed below.