Date completed
Section 1 - Your details
First name
* Required
* Required
Date of birth
* Required
* Required
Borough of residence
* Required
Email address
* Required
Can we contact you by email?
* Required
Phone number
* Required
Can we leave voice messages on this number?
* Required
Can we send text messages to this number?
* Required
Ethnic origin
* Required
White - British White - Irish White - any other White background Mixed - White and Black Caribbean Mixed - White and Black African Mixed - White and Asian Mixed - any other mixed background Asian or Asian British - Afghani Asian or Asian British - Arabic Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British - Chinese Asian or Asian British - Indian Asian or Asian British - Iranian Asian or Asian British - Iraqi Asian or Asian British - Japanese Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Asian or Asian British - Tamil Asian - any other Asian background Black or Black British - African Black or Black British - Caribbean Black - any other Black background Other ethnic group - any other ethnic group I do not wish to state Unknown
Can you tell us if you have any physical health conditions?
Section 2 – GP information
GP name
* Required
GP surgery name
* Required
GP phone number
* Required
GP surgery address
* Required
Section 3 – Pregnancy and postnatal information
Are you pregnant, or the parent of a child below the age of 12 months?
* Required
Yes No
If you are pregnant, when is your expected delivery date?
If you are the parent of a child below the age of 12 months, what is your baby’s name?
If you are the parent of a child below the age of 12 months, what is your baby’s date of birth?
Please also provide the name(s) and date of birth(s) of any other children you have
If you are pregnant, where are you receiving antenatal care? (if known):
Queen Charlotte's
Chelsea and Westminster
West Middlesex
Northwick Park
St Mary's
Independent / private
Other (please specify)
If you selected 'other' please tell us where you are receiving antenatal care
Section 4 – Further information
What is the main concern that you would like help with? (please tick as many that apply)
* Required
Severe fear of childbirth with no previous experience of pregnancy
Loss or bereavement
Traumatic experience
Other mental health concerns
If you would like help with ‘other mental health concerns’, would you be able to tell us more about what you are experiencing?
Please indicate if you are experiencing any of the following
* Required
Flashbacks (seeing images of a scary event replaying over in your mind
Feeling as if something bad is about to happen
Avoiding things that remind you of an upsetting event
Feeling more sad or more angry than usual
Confusion or memory blanks
Feeling very anxious
None of these
How have you felt in the past month? (please tick as many that apply to you)
* Required
Neither well nor bad
Feeling nervous
Feeling down
Not feeling pleasure
Having little interest
Feeling hopeless
If possible, can you tell us more about what has been going on for you?
Are you currently, or have you recently been, receiving treatment for these difficulties?
* Required
If yes, please tell us what treatment or support you are having, or have had, including if it has been helpful or not
Are you currently taking any medication?
* Required
If yes, please tell us the names and doses (if known)
Is there anything else you would like us to know?