We collaborate with a number of other secure services, academic and medical research institutes and health and technology organisations to inform and validate our research.
Learn more about our collaborations and how you can get involved.
Forensic hospitals
High Secure Hospitals Research Network
Four sites provide high secure services across the UK, these are:
- Ashworth Hospital
- Broadmoor Hospital
- Rampton Hospital
- The State Hospital in Carstairs.
Through regular networking events, we draw together our specialist knowledge to enhance our research in high secure settings. Though this collaborative network is relatively new, we aim to:
- Develop frameworks to ensure excellent research
- Provide control groups to support our research
- Collect data which can be compared across all
- Identify novel and/or underutilised research methods.
Academic Partners
Edition project: The University of Manchester and University of Surrey)
Enhancing de-escalation techniques in adult acute and forensic units (Edition) is a series of staff interventions to de-escalating violence from patients. Owen Price - University of Manchester, and Elizabeth Taylor - University of Surrey, have conducted a series of studies in developing a gold standard de-escalation package to be used across trust sites.
The project is currently in the feasibility stages. Broadmoor is the only high secure hospital to participate.
This partnership has funded a research assistant based in West London NHS Trust, allowing individuals within the hospital to develop research skills across to other West London sites.
Industry partners
Oxehealth Technology: Imperial College London
In 2019, Broadmoor’s new hospital opened with improved facilities to care for our patients. With it, we implemented the Oxehealth system, an innovative new technology which provides safer, higher quality and more efficient care for patient sleep routines.
Collaborating with both Oxevision who develops Oxehealth technology and Dr Lindsay Dewa of Imperial College London - specialising in sleep within forensic services - we are evaluating the impact of this technology on patient sleep and experiences.
International partners
Developing and validating the Client Change Scale to record outcomes in a High Secure Setting
A measure in development by Ralph Serin, Carleton University, Canada seeks to measure the change in psychological outcomes: self-efficacy, motivation, substance abuse - which are closely associated with forensic characteristics and criminal activity.
This project is led by Simon Draycott, who with Dr Serin, is supporting the development and validation of this measure within high secure services. Upon completion, we hope to have an outcome which can be used across psychological services to measure their efficiency.